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Senin, 16 Juni 2008

Jeremy, friend and english teacher...

Jeremy or Jer thats i call him. He is from Colorado, Texas. We was met for the first time on April 2006 when my campus has culture and education program from Thailand or something (i can't remember). I thought he is part of the entourage. when i begun open my word to him and talk a lot (i talked about sushi..the Japanese food. I remember that...), so i know i was wrong. He is not part of them. He is just arrived to this town and looking for friend to to practice and learn Indonesian language.
He came from Colorado, Texas for learning Indonesian Language so he could teach English Language in Indonesia.
We talked a lot that day. I know sure that was raining. Until he must go back to the bus with the entourage.
That is the beginning and then the next day we often met and go drive to anywhere such boyolali, solo, borobudur. I was introduced him to my friends and they begun to talk "impolite" and that time he was just don't know what my friends saying (oh goodness), but I explained to him in the end.
We so close and we have weekly routine schedule that is go swimming twice a week....hahahhaaa...And we share about some problems love, business, family.
Now, running 2 years. We still contact each other even if the miles dissociate us. And most importing and special news is.. he will get married with Indonesian lovely pretty lady. I hope I could attend to his ceremony...

to jer...thanks a lot are my motivation to get japan...I hope The God after you always..long live long joy...

1 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

Hey Arif, nice article! Hehehe. But you should just say I'm from Colorado. I only lived in Texas for a few months, but my home is Colorado. It's okay, though. I'm just happy that you wrote about me!

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